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애플 iOS 폴더 이름 자동생성 strings

// the keys are full genre / default names. the values should be localized names short enough to appear as a folder title 

// without being truncated

// default name if no common genre is available

"Folder" = "폴더";

// default name for folders containing bookmarks and webclips

"Bookmarks" = "책갈피";

// genre names

"Social Networking" = "소셜 미디어";

"Reference" = "참조";

"News" = "뉴스";

"Games" = "게임";

"Productivity" = "생산성";

"Entertainment" = "엔터테인먼트";

"Lifestyle" = "생활 방식";

"Navigation" = "탐색";

"Music" = "음악";

"Utilities" = "유틸리티";

"Travel" = "여행";

"Sports" = "스포츠";

"Healthcare & Fitness" = "건강";

"Photography" = "사진";

"Finance" = "금융";

"Business" = "비즈니스";

"Education" = "교육";

"Weather" = "날씨";

"Books" = "도서";

"Medical" = "의료";

"Stores" = "Store";

// game subgenre names

"Action Games" = "액션";

"Adventure Games" = "모험";

"Arcade Games" = "아케이드";

"Board Games" = "보드 게임";

"Card Games" = "카드 게임";

"Casino Games" = "카지노";

"Dice Games" = "주사위 게임";

"Educational Games" = "교육";

"Family Games" = "어린이 게임";

"Kids Games" = "어린이 게임";

"Music Games" = "음악 게임";

"Puzzle Games" = "퍼즐";

"Racing Games" = "레이싱";

"Role Playing Games" = "롤 플레이잉";

"Simulation Games" = "시뮬레이션";

"Sports Games" = "스포츠";

"Strategy Games" = "전략";

"Trivia Games" = "퀴즈 게임";

"Word Games" = "낱말 게임";